Our commitment to transparency goes hand in hand with our dedication to adhering to the guidelines outlined by regulatory bodies such as the Federal Trade Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, and consumer protection laws. These regulations are in place to safeguard consumers.

To ensure compliance, we have established specific criteria for reviews that we publish. We do not feature reviews that meet any of the following criteria:

  • Reviews from Customers Who Received Free Product or Gifts: We occasionally provide complimentary products or offer discounts to select customers. However, reviews from individuals who received free or gifted products may not accurately represent an impartial perspective due to the influence of the gift. Therefore, we do not publish reviews from customers who self-identify as having received gifted or free items.
  • Pharmaceutical Drug Claims: Our vitamin products, classified as dietary supplements, are governed by regulations pertaining to food items. Consequently, we are restricted from publishing any claims that imply otherwise.
  • Unsubstantiated Product Claims: We take responsibility for the claims made by customers in their reviews about our products. At times, customers may assert product benefits that lack proper scientific validation. In such instances, we choose not to publish those reviews.
  • Reports of Adverse Health Events: If a review raises concerns about adverse reactions or health-related issues, we treat it as a distinct matter. Such reports fall under a category that requires a thorough investigation offline, in adherence with FDA protocols.
  • Spam, Scams, Derogatory, or Hate Language: We prioritize the safety and well-being of our customers and site users. Consequently, we refrain from publishing reviews that exhibit characteristics of spam, scams, derogatory language, or hate speech.

Should you have any inquiries regarding these guidelines, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@herbsofafrica.net.